Happy Monday, everyone!

We made it to Issue #124! Thank you to everyone who read last week’s issue ❤️

And by made it I mean the entire week from last Monday to today snuck up on me and I was completely surprised and unprepared for a new week to start 😅 I wasn’t sure what to really write for this week but I had some ideas/requests to have ChatGPT write this issue.

So… I asked ChatGPT to “write me a newsletter issue about indie app development and how important it is to the entire mobile community” 👇

Words from ChatGPT

Dear readers,

Indie app development is an integral part of the mobile community, as it brings fresh ideas, creativity, and innovation to the table. These independent developers often have the freedom to take risks and try out new things, which can lead to the creation of unique and exciting apps.

Indie app developers also play a crucial role in keeping the mobile ecosystem competitive, as they provide alternative options to the often-dominant big tech companies. This competition drives all companies to improve their products and provide better value to consumers.

Additionally, indie app developers help to support the mobile community by creating new job opportunities and contributing to the economy. Many indie developers start their own small businesses, which can provide stable employment for themselves and others.

Furthermore, indie app development allows for greater diversity in the app market. Indie developers come from all backgrounds and walks of life, and they bring with them different perspectives and experiences. This diversity can lead to a wider range of app choices for consumers, catering to a variety of needs and interests.

Overall, indie app development is a vital part of the mobile community and should be supported and celebrated. By downloading and using indie apps, we can help to support independent developers and the important role they play in the mobile ecosystem.

Thank you for reading, and happy app-ing!

Sincerely, ChatGPT generated response

Honestly… this is written far better than what I could have done 😛 But I think it actually did a pretty accurate job! The indie app community is such an amazing group of people. This is exactly why I wanted to get into the indie dev community and start this newsletter.

This is probably the last time I’ll ask ChatGPT to write my newsletter for me (unless it can insert typos because to match my carefree writing style 😇). But I am happy with how this issue turned out with me being so unprepared.

There will be a new featured indie dev next week! But until then… go checkout some of the newly released and updateds app below 👇 There are a few previously featured Indie Dev Monday developers in there so go support them 😊

Newly Released and Updated Indie Apps

Here are some newly released and newly updated apps from this past week! If you would like to possibly see your app in this list, please submit your app to the look at me form 👀

Nihongo Lessons Newly Released
A new app for learning Japanese, specifically made for people who are serious about becoming fluent. From the creator of Nihongo: a modern Japanese dictionary.
PilotCalc Updated
General: • Consolidated in-app purchases to Flight Log Preferences and Calculator Preferences (in-app purchase required for those items marked with the symbols ¹ (Flight Log Preferences) and ² (Calculator Preferences) below). • The ‘What's New’ window can now be re-opened from the menu. • Fixed a number of crash bugs. • Fixed a display issue affecting the Unlock Additional Options screen on smaller devices. Flight Log: • Added new aircraft registration field. • Added new duty time fields. • Added new PDF report for flights. • Added option to use block times instead of airborne times in the log time calculation.¹ • Added the option to display elapsed times in decimals instead of hours and minutes.¹ Calculator: • Calculator history tape is now saved between sessions. • Added an arithmetic calculator.² • Added a decimal time calculator.² • Added automatic conversion between hours and minutes and decimals.²
Lock Screen widgets. Mac menu bar support to quickly perform conversions on the fly. Instant temperature conversions with Weather integration. Import and export your conversion list for backup or to transfer between devices.
Brew Timer Updated
Brewing your own coffee? Find your AeroPress sweet spot with realtime plunge guides. Multitask mid-brew with full background support. +14 other changes.
TweetMarks Updated
Ability to export bookmarks to a text file, several new filter options, share bookmarks as photos are some of the new features!

Thank you to everybody who made it to this footer! You either spent the time to read or took the effort to scroll 😊

Make sure to visit https://indiedevmonday.com/subscribe to get an email of future issues!

And go to Twitter and give @IndieDevMonday a follow… or multiple follows if you manage more than one Twitter account 😜